Friday, December 27, 2019

William Shakespeare´s Impact on History Essay - 543 Words

William Shakespeare was an English poet and a great playwright. He still has a great impact on our history today. Shakespeare has written many plays, including Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet. He had very extant works which people could not understand (6). Romeo and Juliet is considered to be one of his more famous plays. His plays were translated into many different languages and styles (6). William Shakespeare was a very talented man who had a great impact on history, during the Renaissance time and still does today. Shakespeare not only forever changed the face of the fine arts, but also many chapters of various text books. He created new words and aphorisms that have outlived time and are still used today, forever to be embedded†¦show more content†¦Shakespeare first started school when he was five, nearly was two years earlier than the normal age at the time, potentially giving him an educational advantage (4). His father was both the mayor of Stratford and a farmer (4). His mother was involved with legal matters, frequently serving as a juror and executrix.(4) After Shakespeare dropped out of school, she then continued his education at home. Shakespeare went to a grammar school for seven years. (7) He then dropped out of school to help his family with finances. When he was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a farmer. (2). Anne was already pregnant at the time of their wedding, leading many to speculate neither of them had a choice in the marriage (2). Anne did eve ntually conceive four children with Shakespeare ( 2). Shakespeare’s first recorded work is a love poem believed to have been written for her. In 1597, his daughter Anne passed away at the age of 8 (7). William Shakespeare is at the heart of British Literature. His name is associated with the most brilliant minds in history. He is in the very history of the evolution of culture. From entirely new styles that inspired many to directly changing history by interacting with the officials of the time. He sculpted the English language and dictionary new words and rhythms. Shakespeare is truly one of the greatest expressionist figures to have ever existed. His legacy will live on far past the last spokenShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Influence On The Course Of World History1440 Words   |  6 PagesWaldo Emerson, a famous essayist inspired by Shakespeare’s works. William Shakespeare was a renowned author, poet, actor, and playwright. He has contributed to many components of life today such as; founding modern English language, contributing to literature, contributing to modern theater, and contributing many of his works to modern English. William Shakespeare has greatly impa cted the course of world history. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Walt Disney Company Essay - 4270 Words

Walt Disney Company Introduction This report attempts to examine the Walt Disney Company as an organization whose international operations play a vital role in the company’s continuing existence. This report seeks to present a review and analysis of the company’s global strategy by analyzing the key internal and external factors that impact on the company and how it has used alliances and acquisitions as part of its global strategy. As a human technology-intensive company, this paper seeks to understand how Disney was able to leverage its resources to create a competitive advantage. As an important aspect of its operations, relevant management issues are reviewed to see how it has affected the company’s global expansion strategy.†¦show more content†¦In 1928, Walt Disney created the Mickey Mouse character in the silent cartoon called Plane Crazy. Minnie Mouse first appeared in the first Mickey Mouse cartoon â€Å"Steamboat Willie released November 1928 at the Colony Theater in New Yor k. In 1938, Walt Disney created the first full-length animated movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1938. Soon thereafter, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi emerged within the next five years. (Schatz, 2001). With the increasing popularity of television and movies beginning in the early 1940s, Walt Disney’s success in animated movies soon followed one after the other. It was in 1955 when the Walt Disney Company took on huge leap of faith with the launch of the first ever Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Originally, Walt had in mind a family theme park where kids and parents could have fun together. In order to entice families to travel to his Disneyland, Walt used television to invite families to his Magic Kingdom with his show Disneyland. Walt’s faith didn’t fail him. The Walt Disney Company took on many animated cartoon projects in the following years, which included Pinocchio, Cinderella, and Jungle Book. In 1966, Walt died a happy man despite his illness. He died of lung cancer in December 1966, giving many happy memories to the children of the world. (Schatz, 2001). Walt Disney left the world a legend. He created the world famous Mickey Mouse and can be considered as one of the leaders of theShow MoreRelatedWalt Disney Company1730 Words   |  7 PagesThe Walt Disney Company is a diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise business. They have five business segments which are media network, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media. Disney Media Network consists of broadcast, cable, radio, publishing and digital businesses within the Disney/ABC Television Group and ESPN, Inc. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is comprised of family oriented parks and resorts all around the world. TheyRead MoreWalt Disney And The Disney Company Essay1236 Words   |  5 Pages1923 by animator Walt Disney and Roy O. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Global Patterns

Questions: 1. First, assess the extent to which the chosen industry can be characterised as: (a) globalised or regionalised (as per Rugman) or (b) core Triad-dominated or multi-polar. Then, explore and analyse the underlying factors and forces behind the observed patterns. 2. For the chosen industry, evaluate the extent to which current global patterns of production, trade, FDI and consumption are influenced by nation-states. You are encouraged to draw on Dickens roles of the state and other relevant concepts. 3. For the chosen industry, select and investigate one prominent geographical industry cluster, account for the clusters international prominence (drawing on relevant theories) and explain the role it plays within wider global production networks. Answers: 1.0 Introduction Success of a particular industry highly depends on its present scenario, its rate of production, trade values as well as the flow of Foreign Investment in the particular sector at a considerable rate (Ajupov Kurilova and Ivanov 2015). Consumption rate of the manufactured (finished) products of the particular industry among the people of the country as well as among the people of foreign countries derives the amount of revenue generated by the industry as a whole and its overall contribution in the GDP and economic development of the country(Amighini and Franco 2013). This particular assignment will cover up a brief discussion on the chosen country and a particular industry of the country along with highlighting the impact of the industry on the countrys economy. A brief industry analysis of the industry will highlight the present situation of the industry and future prospects in the upcoming days. Discussion about the production pattern, trade pattern and Foreign Direct Investment will highlight the capacity of the industry and financial assistance received from foreign investors. Consumption pattern of the industry products will highlight the revenue generation of the industry. Applicability of Dickenss role of the state and other relevant theories will focus on the Global Shift and its extent on the chosen industry. 2.0 Chosen country and Industry For this particular assignment, the country chosen is Russia and the industry chosen is the Russian Manufacturing Industry. This particular industry comprises of several industries such as Ferrous Metallurgy, Non- Ferrous Metallurgy, Machine Building, Automotive Industry, Chemical Industry and Light Industry (Berger 2014). Therefore, it can be stated that the entire Russian Manufacturing industry depends on the performance of all these respective industries throughout the particular financial year. Economic development of Russia is highly dependent on the performance and growth prospects of these industries in the upcoming years (Ajupov Kurilova and Ivanov 2015). The assignment will basically highlight on the Russian Automotive industry, a part of the Russian Manufacturing industry. 2.1 Impact of the chosen industry on the economy The Soviet Governments priority in modernization of the Russian industry in the beginning of the 1920 reached its full peak under the systematic central planning undertaken by Stalin. During this particular period, resource of investment was directed more towards heavy manufacturing industries as compared to the light industries (Balcet Wang and Richet 2012). The productivity of this industry started to decline during the phase of the Cold War and the industry reached its point of revival during the beginning of 90s. After reviewing the last quarter of 2015, it has been observed that the total production of the Russian industrial sector declined at the rate of 3.5 % on yearly basis (). Russia is considered as one of the high income generating country with a mixed economy with majority of state ownership in the strategic areas. The Russian Automotive industry has been playing a significant part in the development of the economy and employs nearly 6, 00, 000 people of the country and produced nearly 19 lakh cars in the financial year 2015 (Berger 2014). Some of the largest automobile companies of Russia are GAZ, Avto-VAZ, the producer of lightweight automobiles and KamAZ the leading producer of heavy vehicle in the country. 2.2 Brief Industry Analysis During the 90s, this particular industry was considered to be one of the most slow producing industries in the country. Majority of the Automotive companies operated far below their present operation capability, hence under performance was the main highlighting factor of this particular industry (Rocha Arkader and de Goes, 2015). The commercial vehicles both light weight and heavy weight vehicles were manufactured and sold to the small business corporations. Whereas the diesel - operated trucks manufactured by GAZ had limited service life, hence the industry was termed as unreliable and failed considerably to capture trust and fulfill demand of people both in terms of quality and quantity of the vehicle produced. During the last 20 years, demand of passenger automobile kept on increasing, with no such positive response from the automobile manufacturing companies of the country. Generally, the incapability of self - financing among the Russian automobile makers delayed the production capability and created incapability of further expansion of business. Increasing rate of import from companies like Mercedes, Audi and BMW created further danger for the industry and handful of industries relied on Joint venture or partnership projects with western automobile makers (Ajupov Kurilova and Ivanov 2015). Despite of being hit by the global economic recession in 2008, the automobile industry is considered an industry having political importance. Tolyatti, the mono town Russian city that is entirely dependent on the functioning of the company AvtoVAZ, employing more than 1, 00, 000 people from the city itself (Domanski et al. 2013). The Russian government is also focused on development of this particular industry through technological development and innovation. Presently, after looking deeply into this industry, it can be opined that the Russian Automotive industry is the perfect combination of International and National car manufacturers with the immense capability of fulfilling the desire of cars and commercial vehicles at the highest level. 3.0 Extent of the Chosen Industry regarding Production pattern From the beginning, this particular industry has been hit with high and lows of production, either affected by Cold War or by Global economic slowdown. After shedding light on the phase of 2000 to 2005, it has been revealed that income generation among the people of the country was quite higher that created strong demand of family cars and private vehicles creating boom in the automobile industry. During this phase, nearly 16 lakh cars were sold out of which nearly 8.5 lakh cars were of Russian make (Gonchar and Marek 2013). Increased sales of cars attracted the foreign car manufacturers that facilitated flow of foreign investment in this particular industry. There has been an increased rate of foreign car production in Russia from 1, 60, 000 cars in 2005 to nearly 5, 00, 000 cars in 2007. During this phase, the valuation of the Russian Automotive industry was valued at 14 %, 36% and 67 % respectively during the year 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively, assisting the industry to be know n as the fastest growing automotive market of the world in 2008 (Davies 2014). The Russian government enacted specialized legislation in 2005 regarding establishment of Specialized Economic Zones to attract increased rate of foreign investment from the foreign automotive companies. These companies received adequate benefits from exemption from assets and land tax, tax allowances, protecting the investing companies while having changes in tax slabs. With this particular effort, general Motors, Toyota and Nissan enhanced the Russian automotive industry through investment (Hannola Myller and Kortelainen, 2014). After the economic recession in 2009, The Russian Automotive market lost its previous position with a massive drop in the production figures by nearly 9, 00, 000 units among which production of heavy vehicles like trucks fell to 90, 000 units in 2009 as compared to 2, 60, 000 in 2008. Financial assistance of $ 2 billion was provided to the weak companies along with credit up to $ 3 million to the customers opting to purchase Russian cars (Heinz and Tomenend al 2012). Government subsequently increased the tariff (from 50 to 100%) for importing foreign cars aligning with size and cubic capacity of the engines. The government even provided subsidized pricing strategies, where the new car buyers could receive subsidy up to 6, 00, 000 rubles to keep the flow of car sales within the economy. Still, amidst economic slowdown, Marussia B2 became the first supercar (sports car) to be manufactured and launched in Russia in 2008 and officially started to sell from 2010 from Marussia showrooms from Moscow (Kurilov 2012). The scenario changed in 2010, Russian car manufacturers retained their profit position by selling nearly 85 to 90% of the total cars sold in the country. AvtoVAZ topped the list of the highest car selling companies of Russia during the particular financial year. The major products manufactured and sold by the Russian automotive companies are Cars, Heavy vehicles, and Sports cars from Russian and foreign companies (Lee et al. 2013). However, in 2014, this industry showed signs of collapse when sales of new car plummeted nearly by 14.5%, especially affecting the production of budget cars. Even production of commercial vehicles shrank up to a great extent. Till the last quarter of 2015, the car manufacturing companies in Russia gained a meagre portion of their lost market share, except Toyota that continued its run in the negative figures. (Source: McDermott and Luethge 2014) 3.1 Extent of the Industrys trade pattern The Russian car industry has been hardly hit during the entire financial year 2014-15 with sales figure and production going down significantly. Devaluation of the Russian currency is considered as a major reason behind the drastic situation of this industry. Reducing demand of cars and rise of Russias inflation level of 13% (approx) during 2015 reduced the purchasing power of Russian people (Montemayor and Pirvulescu 2015). At the same time, following the rule of theoretical economics, inflation increased the selling price of the cars hence production of cars slowed down largely. The time span during 2010 to 2013 was the most favorable period for this particular industry where the local people preferred automobiles manufactured by Russian as well as International brands. Increased production, increasing profitability and introduction of new models were the core traits. Increasing demand of cars influenced international car manufacturers to invest and start their manufacturing units in Russia (Montemayor and Pirvulescu 2015). The unexpected slowdown of the economy and increasing rate of inflation forced many car manufacturers to reduce car manufacturing with Toyota and Nissan already shutting down their Russian units for temporary basis. As far as the foreign companies of the Russian automobile market are concerned, International brands like General Motors, Nissan, Hyundai etc has to import spare parts and other accessories that were quite costly as result of devaluation of Ruble. Regulatory changes in the market in 2012, with the Russian governments decision to reduce the import duties of vehicles, tax rates and operational surcharges have potential to attract new investment. Despite of the governments effort and prediction in favor of huge market growth in the upcoming years, declining profitability and reduced demand of cars creates hindrances in trading of cars in the country (Morgenstern 2014). Localization of this industry, specifically on the norms of assembling the International branded cars with locally made engines and gearboxes, in exchange of duty - free import of car manufacturing components until mid 2018. Similarly, negotiation between the Russian government and WTO regarding availing higher duties on new cars and other vehicles to the extent of 5% until 2018 will ease the trade pattern of this industry with expected growth of the automobile component market of nearly 8% on annual basis. (Source: Pavlnek 2012) Foreign Direct Investment on the Industry After favorable market growth of the Russian Automobile industry prior to the financial year 2010-11, renowned international car manufacturers from Japan, Germany and other European countries started investing in Russian automotive market on the basis of increasing demand of cars (Popov 2015). High sales figures and outright support from the Russian government through offering of Special Economic Zones to the car manufacturers witnessed investment of $ 1 billion from General Motors, Toyota and Fiat announcing to produce more than 2.5 lakh cars locally boosted the market. With boost in manufacturing figures from the perspective of foreign car companies, supplier investment on various car spare parts/ components such as car batteries, tires, wheel rims, starter motor, sheet steel, rubber tubes, instrument clusters, seat covers, seats, exhaust systems and car music system were an additional advantage for the local and international car manufacturers of the country (Pavlinek 2012). The Russian automotive market successfully attracted foreign investment up to 2013 based on the governments policy to provide localization support to the foreign brands. However, several protective measures regulated by the Western section (Banks) reduced the limit of FDI in recent times. Critical financial situation and underutilization of the production capacities by these companies have slowed down investment rates. Projected report regarding FDI on the Russian Automotive industry is stated as follows: Production capacity is likely to stay low during the next couple of years with exception for the Chinese car manufacturers Localized production rate will increase and have to be maintained by all the foreign car manufacturers presently operating in the Russian Automotive market Financial support will be provided to every Russian foreign subsidiary companies Sludge in rate of car production and decreased rate of inflow of F D I is the major backdrop of the Russian automotive market as most of the Original Equipment manufacturer of the Russian automotive market is affected by less adapted marketing strategies (Simachev et al. 2013) Handful of companies are strategically bound to leave the Russian automotive market, hence creating outflow of Foreign Direct Investment Consumption influence by the Nation- States With availability of famous foreign automobile makers of the world accompanied by availability of variety of cars manufactured by the Russian companies, manufacturing hatchbacks, sedans and SUVs are reliable as well as economical to the people of the country. Nearly 70% of the cars manufactured in Russia are sold in the country, out of which the ratio of sales of Russian car brands and International brands changes frequently (Simonova et al. 2015). In general, price of cars sold in Russia is quite higher despite of availability of easy financing, provision of financial assistance from the government, Foreign Investment and operation of majority of the car companies in Specialized Economic Zones. Even demand of cars in Russia is at 250 car bookings on average of 1,000 people, which is far below from countries like United States of America and Germany with 750 and 400 car bookings on average of every 1, 000 people (Sorrentino Rizzo and Sorrentino 2014). Figure 1: Sale comparison in Car sale in Russia 2013-2014 (Brandwise) (Source: Simachev et al. 2013) Unfavorable weather conditions, lack of stability of the home currency and presence of inflation in the range of 12- 15% on yearly basis keep the car prices high considerably. The insurance values of cars are higher due to atmospheric instability and constant demand of cost efficient cars is the latest preference among people. Lightweight vehicles for family use have kept the hope alive for the declined condition of the industry (Thomsen 2015). On the contrary, demand of commercial vehicles in the lightweight category is expected to increase due to its wide range of usability. In order to influence the local residents of the country to purchase cars several lucrative schemes and have been initiated, such as: Increased rate of financing through government and private undertaken companies Encouraging the car manufacturers to develop low priced cars (with low maintenance cost) for benefits of the customers Reduction in taxes and offering financial assistance to companies manufacturing heavy duty vehicles like buses and lorries as demand for public transport service will increase with rising population (Popov 2015) Another important turnaround of the Russian automotive industry is expected to be possible with the production of Army vehicles and warfare transport vehicles, as Russia has already entered in to exchange contract of war vehicles with members of the BRIC nations, especially India during 2016-2018. Taking figure 1 in to consideration, it can be observed that the financial situation through sale of middleweight cars have highlighted signs of improvement at a slow pace. Future prospects Welfens et al.(2012) opined that there are some significant factors such as recovery of Rubles valuation during the end phase of 2015, thinning effect of inflation in the Russian and world economy, and decreased price of fuel in the world market will definitely boost up the Russian automotive industry from the middle of 2016. It is already suggested that other significant factors like Net flow of capital, reduction in the level of inflation in the Russian economy will forecast a positive turn around for this industry. Significant supports from the government both financially and through development of technology are the two other factors to guide the industry towards its re- birth (Sorentino et al. 2014). Similarly, Russian made cars will be the choice of maximum number of people as price of these cars will grow less or might remain stable in order to ease the sales figure and pay utmost care in development of the entire industry. Graph 4: Price Hike percentage (expected) during 2016-2018 (Source: Pavlinek 2015) It is expected that Russian and Japanese brand cars will occupy a significant position in the market due to its slack price growth. The market demographics of the Russian car market is expected to be divided based on the factors stated below: Origin Country Classification Demographics Preference rate Price hike (%) avg. USA Sedan, SUV, Hatchbacks, Sports High Income Group High 50% Russian - Do- Middle Class (Income Wise) High 9% European - Do- Age (19-40 years) High 15% Japanese - Do- Age and Income High 20% Table 1: Expected Brand preference of Russian people based on Demographics (Source: Morgenstern 2014) At the same time, it is also expected that the companies will also be able to recover the slashed down sales unit depending on the identified factors of the micro and macroeconomic scenario. (For graph, please refer to Appendix 1). Theories and Concepts In order to highlight the Global Business Shift of the selected industry of Russia, Peter Dickens Global shift has been a significant example based on how development of a certain industry is possible taking into considerations the economic, political factors along with globalization of business scenario (Montemayor and Pirvulescu 2015). As per this particular concept, globalization and technological innovation and advancement are the main source of development of business. Localization and entering in to joint ventures with foreign companies are another important factor towards development of the industry and eased employment opportunities for the residents of the country. Further importance on development of the industry is possible through understanding the economical issues and targeting the business sector based on geographical basis and demands of customers (Lee et al. 2013). Effective need of communication is another important factor of development of a weak industry to find its Midas touch. Dickens model emphasizes on factors like production, trade, investment and consumer preference behind re development or improvement of an industry. The model also highlights the importance on location importance as well as technical and financial assistance of the host government through reduced tax structures, redeemed duty fees for receiving higher rate of investments (Kurilov 2012). Conclusion After conducting the detailed study on the Russian Automotive industry, it is observed that despite of adverse financial condition of the economy attempts from the car manufacturers and efforts from the end of the national government has been the maximum strength towards re-innovation of the industry. Foreign companies have stopped production for time being in order to save their capital loss, but are quite reluctant on providing importance on the identified growth factors to make the industry survive the crisis. Macroeconomic as well as microeconomic factors are favorable towards the future development of the Russian automotive industry in the upcoming years. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Strange Meeting Essay Example For Students

Strange Meeting Essay Question:Present a detailed commentary on the poem STRANGE MEETING by WilfredOwen. To include Explanation of the ideas expressed in the poem. Linkswith specific moments with other Owen poems. Discussion of how the poemworks in term of poetic technique. Answer:STRANGE MEETING is probably Owens most problematic poem. Its title comesfrom Shelleys The Revolt of Islam Gone forth whom no strange meetingdid befall. It was written in the spring or early summer of 1918, the yearhe died. It was based on an earlier poem Earths Wheels which I reproduceas Appendix I. The poem recounts a dramatic meeting in Hell between twosoldiers who had fought on opposing sides. No longer enemies they find itpossible to see beyond conflict and hatred in a shared awareness of thetruth untold and the need to proclaim that truth. As Owen said in hisfamous Preface, All a poet can do is warn. We will write a custom essay on Strange Meeting specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The poem is written in first person and hence we tend to assume that thefirst speaker is Owen, but Owens message is delivered by the secondspeaker. This has lead to a speculation that the second speaker is anapparition of the first. In the first verse the first speaker dies andfinds his way to Hell. Titanic wars imply not just this war, butconflicts throughout history on a gigantic scale. In the second verse the first speaker realises that he is in Hell afterseeing the dead bodies, which however were groaning under the burden oftheir suffering. He prods one, which gets up, recognises him and blesseshim. Piteous is a key word here, which connects to almost all his poetrythat, really is about the pity of war. The similarity of the dead in thispoem to the living or should one say dying in his other poems isintentional. Compare the living of Mental Cases -Thus their heads wearthis hilarious, hideous, Awful falseness of set-smiling corpses- to thedead of Strange Meeting By his dead smile I knew we stood in Hell. In the beginning of the third verse Owen compares Hell with war. There isno blood, no smoke, no noise in Hell but all these are there in war. Vividdescriptions of these are a hallmark of his poems. If you could hear, atevery jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs fromDulce et Decorum Est What murk of air remained stank old, and sour Withfumes from whizz-bangs, from The Sentry . The first speaker addresses the second as strange friend. Much mysteryhas been attributed to this paradox, but to my mind he uses strange becausehe does not know the person and friend because from this point on they willshare a common destiny. In response to the first speakers statement thathere is no cause to mourn, the second replies that they have to mourn theyears of their life they spent fighting each other. Precious years in whichthey could have fulfilled their hopes and achieved their desires. Lines 17to 23 (After the wildest beauty in the world etc.) refer to Owens questfor beauty and truth which he believed he had inherited from Keats andShelley and which perhaps may have been the subject of his poetry had notit been for his experiences in the war which changed everything. So must Itempt that face to loose its lightning. Great gods, whose beauty is death,will laugh above, Who made his beauty lovelier than love. I shall be brightwith their unearthly brightening. from Storm. H e began to write about thepity of war; purely about the pity unpolluted with other emotions. Itbecame his mission to tell the truth untold, the real and monstrousnature of war, which became the subject of all his later poems. The untoldtruth negates the old lie that it is a sweet and seemly thing to die forones country. This is the subject of Dulce et Decorum Est. The poet saysthat in the future will accept a world shattered with war as the norm anddo nothing about the bloodshed and violence. A prediction that has cometrue with frightening accuracy. In the remaining part of the verse thepoet, through the second speaker, says what he as a poet wants to do andhence in general what poetry should do. He says that poetry has the courageand wisdom, the mystery and the mastery to heal and is not tainted by war. .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c , .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .postImageUrl , .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c , .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c:hover , .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c:visited , .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c:active { border:0!important; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c:active , .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u47445e684d83d4d94c6480b7438d096c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Computers and Biology EssayThe poet would have liked to bring this life-giving water from sweetwells and spread it without restraint. He would like to tell the world thetruth that war is not glory and honour but stark pain. In poems such asGreater Love and Anthem for the Doomed Youth the images of love and delightare transformed into images of death. These transformations are theexperience of his generation. Red lips are not so red As the red stoneskissed by the English dead Here Owen perhaps refers to his decision tofight rather than be a conscientious objector. This decision was takenbecause if Owen wanted to write about the pity of war, he needed toexperience that pity. And his writing about the pity would hopefully be abalm to the next generation. The poem ends with the enemy killed showing no hatred; no feeling ofvengeance for his killer imparting the message that mankind must seekreconciliation. The friend of this verse contrasts ironically with thefriend of Dulce et Decorum Est My friend, you would not tell with suchhigh zest The friend of Strange Meeting is a stranger whos views areOwens views whereas the friend of the latter poem is a known person(likely reference to fellow poets who glorify war) whos view Owendisagrees with. The study of the structure of a poem is known as prosody and comprisesmeter, rhyme, and verse. Structurally the poem comprises 44 lines of iambicpentameter with pararhymed couplets. I have come across different versestructures in the various places I located the poem one, three and fourverses. Since I referred to the version in the 12th Grade textbook, 19thand 20th Century Verse, I will stick to that. Lines 1 to 3 comprise thefirst verse, lines 4 to 10 the second, lines 11 to 39 the third and lines40 to 44 the fourth. As the ideas get more complicated, more philosophicalthe length of the verse increases. Though the bulk of the poem lies in thethird verse, it is the last verse which has the most impact and Owen hasintentionally saved it for the end. The second speaker has recognised thefirst as his killer in the beginning itself and could have revealed thisvital information immediately but does not do so. He launches into theundone years and truth untold and only after finishing what he has to say,he dramatically but softly reveals the relationship between the two I amthe enemy you killed, my friend. No wonder these words have been chosen toadorn the poets memorial in the grounds of Shrewsbury Abbey. The iambicpentameter which consists of five feet each having one unstressed and onestressed syllable, is the most common meter used in English literature. Thereason probably is that it is just the right length for a narration, nottoo short not too long. Shakespeare used it in his plays and Wordsworthused it in his Preludes and Excursions. In this poem too, it provides aneasy flow to the narration. Pararhyme, or half-rhyme as it is often called,is an imperfect rhyme in which the final and the preceding consonants ofthe last stressed syllable agree but the intervening vowel sound does not. Examples from the poem are world walled and years yours. Owenbrilliantly uses pararhymes as an instrument in imaging the discords whichwere his subject. Full rhymes tend to bring smoothness in flow of the poem,whereas half rhymes jar the flow a bit which goes well with the ugliness ofthe subject. Yesterday through me as you jabbed and killed. .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 , .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .postImageUrl , .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 , .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04:hover , .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04:visited , .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04:active { border:0!important; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04:active , .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04 .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3971341d3b3ea67846f293ab954a9d04:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Multicultural Education EssayI parried, but my hands were loath and cold.