Sunday, February 23, 2020

The effects of globalization on design (brand globalization and the Essay

The effects of globalization on design (brand globalization and the design industry) - Essay Example To have a consistent and definite visibility the companies require having a design that represents them. Designing a logo requires a lot of research. The designing of a logo is not an area of art where the creativity has to take over. Designing a logo is a combination of creativity and logic. A company must have a clear idea about how they want to position themselves in the market. Not all the key features of the company can be represented by the logo, so the company especially the designers have to decide which feature they want to highlight in their logo. A logo is not just a symbol it is a symbol which makes the company statement with the help of visual icon. Many companies like Nike, Microsoft and Coke are known for their logo design. They have been successful in positioning themselves in the global market with the help of their logo design. Logo design also wins the company the global recognition. This current trend of global branding with the help of logo design has placed a lo t of responsibility on the design industry. It becomes one of the main services for the design industry to design logos that help companies to expand. The design industries often have to do extensive research on the product of their clients and their area of operations. This helps them to design a logo and the promotion message for their clients which are effective. Designing a logo indeed plays an important role in the global branding of the company. 1 Globalisation and Design Globalisation is interconnection of countries economically. Globalisation has made all the companies realise that they must follow marketing strategies that are applicable globally. To enter foreign country a company must be very careful regarding the branding strategy followed by them. In global arena to establish a brand that is recognised by all requires a lot of thought process. Companies today are aware that they have to go global sometime during their expansion and chalk out their strategies accordingly . Consistent brand recognition all over the world is the main aim of all the companies. To design a logo and company message the design industry has to do a lot of research. Especially on the visual impact it has on the customers worldwide. The landscape has changed in the world of branding due to globalisation. According to experts brand must have a global reach. Brand visibility is a must for all companies who want to trade across the borders.2 However some brands do get advantage of being regional. The regional identity gives a lot of brand the ability to operate successfully in their nation. Consumers do recognise these brands as national brands and this gives them an added advantage. On the other hand to survive in international market these brands must have a global appeal. A new middle class has emerged in the BRIC nations namely, Brazil, Russia, India and China. This new customer base has deep pockets and for companies to target them a global approach is required. The design industry has to work on the presentation of these companies in such a way that all these countries feel included. Most companies try to break away from their regional identity to have a global appeal. Coke and Pepsi are the best example they always try to have a global approach .However, there are few companies like Dominos that do promote themselves globally with their regional

Friday, February 7, 2020

Transporting Changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Transporting Changes - Essay Example One of the primary ways in which these changes were brought about was through changes in the city’s modes of transport, from the old days of walking, bicycling, trams and els, to the new mode of individual vehicular traffic and high-speed underground trains. In constructing the necessary amenities for these sorts of changes, it was necessary to break some of the old ways of doing things, either through the destruction of previously apportioned space or through novel approaches to cutting through traffic. Before one can understand how current conceptions of New York were shaped by these changing forms of transport, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the concept of place and then to observe how this concept shifted and changed with each new introduction to the city’s landscape. In his article â€Å"Defining Places† (2004), Tim Cresswell presents a general examination of how the term ‘place’ might be defined in a variety of different context s. Foremost among these is the idea that the term ‘place’ doesn’t simply refer to a specific location but is instead used to refer to a variety of ideas and concepts that are tied up in our conception of place.