Friday, February 7, 2020

Transporting Changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Transporting Changes - Essay Example One of the primary ways in which these changes were brought about was through changes in the city’s modes of transport, from the old days of walking, bicycling, trams and els, to the new mode of individual vehicular traffic and high-speed underground trains. In constructing the necessary amenities for these sorts of changes, it was necessary to break some of the old ways of doing things, either through the destruction of previously apportioned space or through novel approaches to cutting through traffic. Before one can understand how current conceptions of New York were shaped by these changing forms of transport, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the concept of place and then to observe how this concept shifted and changed with each new introduction to the city’s landscape. In his article â€Å"Defining Places† (2004), Tim Cresswell presents a general examination of how the term ‘place’ might be defined in a variety of different context s. Foremost among these is the idea that the term ‘place’ doesn’t simply refer to a specific location but is instead used to refer to a variety of ideas and concepts that are tied up in our conception of place.

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